Friday, June 3, 2011

Okay, need to get my butt in gear.

I'm going to be trying to finish up a lot of my loose projects that are running around. So I'm setting up a goal, to finish at least 1 project a week, 2 if they are small. And I want to get pictures up of what I have finished.

I'll make a list, with a brief description of what it is and what needs to me done and check them off when I finish them.

Victorian Jacket - black and off white alternating pinstripe with a peplum, double breasted front, a wide collar and a contrasting red lining.
-finish putting together the shell and the lining, put everything together, button holes and buttons.      DONE

Shirt skirt - light blue chambray.    DONE

-finish the raw edge on top.

Skeleton Hoodie - refashion men's front zip up mask hoodie.    DONE

-take the bottom band in and reattach.

Aqua dress - remaking a dress I made for New Years.        DONE
-figure out what the hell I'm going to do with it...Which is mostly finishing the neckline and the sleeves and embellish.

Red plaid skirt - Red plaid straight skirt
-cut out the lining, and sew everything together.

Candy Corn dress - A dress I started making for work and hate with a passion.
-redesign it. I'm think cut the sleeves off and scoop the neck out. Redo the middle section.

Update: I'm adding 2 more projects that need to be done to this because I got 2 projects out of the way.

Pink Floral skirt - Simple elasticated skirt         DONE
Sew it.

Blue Floral skirt - Lined straight skirt         DONE
Cut out and sew

Post pictures of everything I have made since the Dragon skirt.

The last thing on my list is the make this jacket. I will not touch it until everything else on my list is done. Lost the original link. The pic is not mine. If anyone knows the link, please send it my way!

I have everything already in my stash to make this. I'll be making a mock up to get the pattern right out of teal corduroy and making it a bit shorter. I'll make the full length out of a black and gray plaid. My sister wants it out of "wasteland" brown. Which I surprising had the perfect fabric in my stash! So happy days! No has to buy anything! Maybe. I may have to go buy buttons and a zipper if the one I have isn't long enough, which I think it's too short...I also have the perfect pattern to mod too, the top part of it hits right where the pleats stop, so it'll be an easy pattern to lengthen and shorten as needed. And I'm rambling because this jacket has me seriously hot and bothered.

So...Hopefully I can get this all done before October! I set October as my deadline because that's when we either renew the lease on our apartment or move. I don't want to deal with pins in the move again. Hopefully, during this time I can get my Halloween costume done too. The last jacket, I probably won't get done before, though. I really don't want to start on it until everything else is done because it's going to take a few weeks to do. Because of the pattern drafting and the mock up.

UPDATE: Found the link here!

UPDATE - June 22: Only 2 pieces left! I may put them off a bit until I it heads towards fall. But then again, I might want to get them out of the way so I can get the jacket started and finished before fall!

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