Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wee 'ittle ABC survey

 Got this from One Pearl Button.

A. Age: 21, few months off from 22. I'm a youngin'.
B. Bed size: Queen. Got it for free when I first moved out from my mom's place. Shared it with 3 other girls at the time (really messed up living sitch). And got it all to myself when we moved to a different apartment a few months later.
C. Chore that you hate: Dishes. My boy can attest that I get very pissy and grouchy when I do dishes. It's the water splashing on the counter and soaking my shirt that bothers me mostly.
D. Dogs: Want a bazillion. I love cats, but I'm allergic. So dogs are the next best thing. I'm a big animal lover and if I could have one of every type of dog or take home all the dogs are the shelter, I would.
E. Essential start to your day: Put on pj bottoms and check my messages. I wake up at 10 am every day and get all the computer stuff done right away if I need to work on a project.

F. Favourite color: Oooooh, toughy...Bright? Does that work? No? Okay...Aquas, dusty blues, emerald greens. I love cools colors. A nice bottle green and I'd be a happy camper.
G. Gold or Silver: Silver. Always silver. I'll occasionally pick up the odd gold piece (I own only 3 gold pieces of jewelry, all necklace that I did not have a choice in color), but silver is my favorite.
H. Height: 5'6". I'm told that's short, but I'm the tallest one out of my immediate family and second tallest at my work. So, meh.
I. Instruments you play: No. Just no...
J. Job title: Sales Associate. I work in a fabric store. I can pay my bills and that alone is a miracle.
K. Kids: Ha. Hahahahaha. I'm laughing so hard. Honestly. I hate children so much. My job only reinforces that and makes me happier that I don't have to deal with the bad children when they walk out of the store.
L. Live: Evergreen State. I will never leave it, I love the rain too much.
M. Mother's name: Cathy.
N. Nicknames: Brenda. That is technically a nickname. Other than that, The Ruined Momenter.
O. Overnight hospital stays: Never once been admitted to a hospital. I'm a serious klutz, but I have yet to hurt myself bad enough to require a hospital visit. Not saying I haven't done things that needed stitches, I just never went to the hospital.
P. Pet peeve: do I put this...There's a few things that people do that are like nails on a chalkboard to me. That rigged holographic "animated" plastic on so many kids notebooks and toys? People scratching on that. And my bf flicking his thumbnail when he has his arm resting on my or around me. Makes my skin crawl.
Q. Quote from a movie: "How does right fricken now grab you?" Can't remember the first part of that. Horrible movie too.
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: 2 direct, 3 half.
T. Time you wake up: 10 am. Sometimes earlier, never later.
U. Underwear: Uuuuh Not commando.
V. Vegetable you hate: Brussel sprouts.
W. What makes you run late: Stumbleupon. But mostly chatting with my out of town friends.
X. X-Rays you've had: The one and so far, only time I've gone to the dentist.
Y. Yummy food that you make: Polish Pork buns! Always a hit!
Z. Zoo animal: Giraffes. Llamas. Anything cute a fuzzy really, but I'd kill for a llama.

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