Monday, June 6, 2011

I have made a decision...

I am not going to by any more fabric. None. Absolutely none. Unless it is without a doubt absolutely necessary to finish a project. No more buying it just because it's on sale. I filled an 8 foot closet and still have fabric left over. I've only been really buying fabric for about 2 years. I need to finish the projects I have on my list and use up my stash. I tried to make it "I'll only buy fabric that I really really want..." But that would not have gone well. So I'm just cutting it off. It'll save me money and let me get through the fabric I already have.

Might as well make this a bit of an update too (again with the bullets).

  • My best friend moved back from the other side of the state. Her roommates were...awful. She had to pay for everything because they weren't making much at their jobs. It was really bad...But she's back now!
  • I did move in with my boy. It's a fricken' small apartment and we're already planning on moving in the Besty in October.
  • My new boss is...bad. She just doesn't know how to run a store because she's never been a manager before. On top of that, a girl that was hired in December got promoted to assistant manager (I'm not upset about that) and she's not taking the job well either.
  • My sister has moved back up here. She had issues with her roommate.

Not much else other than that I think.

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