Thursday, October 14, 2010

Um...Yeah...totally not prancing around my apartment like a fairy....

Sooooo...I'm almost done chopping up a dress for my Halloween costume. I shall be a female Mad Hatter. With some fashion sense of course. The dress was a gold plaid taffeta Christmas/prom dress that my ex roommate (the crazy one) left behind. God it's so hideous I love it. I cut off half the skirt, removed the disgusting rhinestone straps, altered the neck line to a sweetheart and turned the petticoat/underskirt in to a removable tutu. Said tutu is being worn right now. And yes, I have been prancing.

My original plan for the petticoat was to sew it to the lining, but being that the dress is tight until my natural waist, any bulk would have been visible. So I doctored it up and added elastic so I can slip it on just under my natural waist, eliminating any placement issues.

The jacket will hopefully be easy...It's just going to be a crop jacket. with sleeve ruffles. I have a lot of fabric of different fabric to use, but unfortunately I only bought a yard of each...So I'm a little limited. I think I have it figured out, but I keep going back and forth for what fabric should go where.

It took me a while to even start working on the dress. And when I did I discovered something that horrified me and had me staring at the crumpled heap of dress for a good 20 minutes. I had to call my friend to get over it. The dress has pockets. POCKETS. I've never seen a formal dress with fricken' pockets. I believe I yelled at it "You're a FORMAL DRESS. WHY DO YOU HAVE POCKETS??! WHY??" and then went scrounging around my kitchen for my gummy bears that I had my boyfriend hide so I don't eat them all.


I finished the dress and tried it on. It came out really cute! But fluffy as all hell. The tutu shortened the skirt from below mid thigh to just covering my bum. I think I might add some extra ribbons and embellishments to the neckline though...

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