Monday, September 20, 2010

South of the Border Mac'n'Cheese Casserole

I know it's not sweets, but I do occasional perform what I call "Pantry cooking." Basically, I just use what ever I have on hand and experiment. Which my roommates and boyfriend do not mind. I just hate having to go out and get something to make for dinner. I do the same with sewing...But I'll stop her and give you another quick recipe. I use this on a regular basis because it's just so quick and easy and comes out really good.

South of the Border Mac'n'Cheese Casserole

  • 1-2 boxes of macaroni and cheese (You can actually make it from scratch too, and I've done that, but there is really no taste difference. It just takes a lot longer)
    • I always leave out butter/margarine. Always. The only times I've used it is when I was out of milk and when I made it from scratch. I only use a bit of milk, the cheese packet and real cheese
  • Approx. 3/4 - 1 cup real cheese per box: cheddar, jack, colby, etc. Any cheese with work. You don't can to over do it on cheese, not that you really can, but you will want to thicken the mac'n'cheese enough to hold together, so err on the more side.
  • 1/3 - 1/2 cup cheese (For the top of the casserole)
  • 1/3 cup breadcrumbs. Not flavored is best. You can also use crushed crackers.
  • 1/2 cup salsa per box.
  • Casserole dish.
Note: These measurements are all based on a "to taste" basis. Don't try to add all of an ingredient if the pasta won't hold it.

Step 1
Cook the pasta until is just under cooked from Al dente. Drain and prepare the mac'n'cheese as normal. Slowly add in the real cheese, a bit at a time, stirring until it is all melted. You want the consistency to be really thick. Hard-to-stir thick. Keep the pot over low heat while adding the cheese

Step 2

Once you've prepared the pasta, add the salsa a little bit at a time. You can add more to taste, if you'd like. If the salsa thinned out the consistency, add a little bit more cheese.

Step 3

Pour the yummy mac'n'cheese/salsa mix (Even with out making it in to a casserole, this is good by itself) into the casserole dish. Pack it in and spread it evenly. Sprinkle the bread crumbs and the extra cheese over the top. Don't add too much cheese, just a thin layer across the top of the dish.

Step 4

Place the dish in your oven and set your oven to Broil. Bake until the cheese has melted and brown.

I've made this dish often. I personally hate salsa, the texture though not the flavor. So this was a good way to use it with out having to eat it. It's really easy to make huge batches for big dinners or potlucks or company picnics. It doesn't take long and yields a yummy mac'n'cheese.

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