Sunday, September 19, 2010

Another dead simple cake

This is a quick, light, yummy cake. And so very simple.


  • 1 box white cake mix (you can use yellow, but it won't be as light)
    •  The box said to use 3 eggs whites, 2 tablespoons oil and 1 1/3 cup water. I used 2 whole eggs and 1 1/4 cup oil.
  • 1/2 - 3/4 cup frozen berries (I used blackberries and strawberries, but any fruit should work)
  • Approx. 1 cup powdered sugar (I didn't measure, I just mixed up till I got the consistency)
  • Approx. 1 tsp lemon juice (fresh is better, but I used the bottled stuff)
  1. Mix the cake mix, I recommend the 2 whole eggs and 1 1/4 cup oil. Pour it in a grease pan. I used a 7"x11", 9"x13" works too.
  2. If you're using frozen strawberries, thaw them enough to cut into slices.
  3. Scatter the fruits across the top of the cake, pressing them in to the batter a bit.
  4. Bake until the cake is mostly set. It will still be a little under cooked.
  5. Mix up a slightly thick icing with the powdered sugar and lemon juice.
  6. While the cake is still hot, drizzled the icing over the cake.
  7. Let cool for about 20 minutes.
It's good while still warm or chilled over night for breakfast.

This one was bake on a whim of my roommate. I mentioned that I have one cake mix left and she wanted to bake. I hate to bake a plain cake, so I decided fruit and icing would be great. And it was!! It was moist, and being slightly under cooked, had a really nice creamy texture.

P.S. I've been typing these up ahead of time and just posting then when I get a chance.

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