Monday, September 13, 2010

Epic Dream of Awesome

I had the most bizarre dream ever last night. It was a zombie dream, which isn't the weird part since I have them all the time. It started out with the Zombie Apocalypse. Crazy zombies running around everywhere. My friends and I having no idea what was going on, but we were green. As we're escaping the city that was filled with the crazy zombies, we realize that we're green. Because we're zombies too! Except, apparently, the good zombies that don't want to eat people.

We escape to another city filled with green-skinned "good" zombies. But of course that all goes to hell when the crazy zombies invade and bring humans with them. We have to explain to the humans that we don't want to eat them and we want to fight the crazy zombies with them to keep them from killing us. That goes well enough that they get distracted by the hordes of crazy zombies and we're able to get to a motor home that magically turns in to a pick-up truck with a canopy.

As we're winding up and down the aisles of the parking lot, a human flags us down and asks to go with us (I believe this was actually my friend's friend that came over the other night). We haul him in to the back of the truck and try getting out of the mess of zombies. Some where along the way we find out that he's really one of the crazy zombies and just looks like a human. So we dump him of the truck, of course we're all sad about it, kind of...

Eventually we get to another city and find a building that only has one wall. Yes, I don't know how, but it was a full building, but with only one wall...And on that wall was 5 full-body old-style portraits of characters from Hanna is not a Boy's Name in Captain Morgan poses. Specifically, Cas, Finas, {...} (who was just standing normal because, as my roommate put it "He's too cool for school"), Hanna and Conrad. Apparently we thought that Cas and Finas could help us, with what I have no idea.

This is where part one ends because I was woken up by my boyfriend's alarm. I immediately fell back to sleep and, in my dream, began telling my roommate about my dream because the Cas and Finas Captain Morgan poses were awesome. This was kind of odd, but not. I actually talk to my roommate a lot in my dream about my dreams.

I drift off after telling her and thus begins the end of the dream. We turned from the portraits to see a small group of naked middle-aged men. Yes. And they proceed to tell us that we can't see Cas and Finas because apparently they are too powerful and awesome. The leader of this group, which I'm assuming is a fan-boy club/harem, in a balding fat man. And that's pretty much the end of the dream. Sadly we didn't get to see Cas or Finas. Maybe next time.

If you couldn't figure out what the weird part was, it was the, well, everything. This really wasn't a normal zombie dream for me. Especially the being a zombie and fighting zombie part...

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