Thursday, August 26, 2010

R.I.P. Robert

Today is a sad day. We lost someone very dear to us at the hand, well foot, of my best friend. She didn't see him there, on the sidewalk. While attempting to avoid Robert's relatives, she mistook him for a leaf and stepped on him. The crunch of his tiny body the only sign that his young life had been snuffed out. Regrettably, we weren't able to stop and mourn the passing of poor Robert, his broken body left smashed on the cement.

Let us bow our heads and hold a moment of silence for Robert. May his tiny little soul find a better place filled with moist earth and leaves. And may his murderer burn in Hell.

R.I.P. Robert the snail. He was so very very young. *sniffsniff*

P.S. The murderer had something to say.

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