Saturday, August 28, 2010

Project Runway is my crack

Holy Jesus. I just finished watching the 5th episode of Project Runway Season 8. I haven't gotten to watch it in SO long. I've missed it so much. Hopefully I can watch the seasons I missed though...But holy crap is it my crack. I am never tired after watching it. And man do I want the Military and Lace collection...Oh god it was gorgeous. Casanova's blouse? I'd wear that baby for weeks. I must create something with lace and a military flare...Wait...I have black vinyl and teal lace...hmmm...potential...lots of potential.

On a side note, I got 2 1/2 yards of black poly interlock for $1.99 yd ($5.45 total) to make a very simple sleeve-less floor length dress. I have a black satin fabric belt that will be perfect to cinch in the waist. I really need to get my boy to help me take pictures of the clothes I've made...That and I need to bust my stash...

My stash is ridiculous for how long I've worked at my job (1 1/2 yrs). I have 3 boxes and 3 plastic storage bins full. And that's only the stuff I packed so far. I have at least 3 bins full left. It's a sickness...At least I get awesome deals. I usually don't pay more than $5-$6 for a skirt. Which reminds me...I need elastic for this hideous rust orange and off white stripe linen-y material I got for $0.95 a yard (I only got a yard though since all I wanted was a skirt). God I love getting cheap fabric.

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