Monday, January 19, 2009

Kelp does not taste good

In a previous post I mentioned that I have an iodine deficiency. Well, when we were at the store, we ended up in the natural foods section (which isn't unusual since most of the food I eat is there. I'm vegetarian, which might be part of my problem.), and I decided to hunt down some iodine supplements. My sister had a look when she was running around, but she was looking for "Iodine Supplement," so she didn't find it. I lucked out when I looked and found vegetarian Kelp pills (Kelp is high in iodine) on sale. I've only been taking them for a couple days along with my iron pills, so I don't know how they a re working yet. What I do know is that I need to take them before I eat because Kelp hiccups do not taste good.

The whole lack of iodine thing is because I can't stand much salt. The taste makes me gag. Seaweed is also one of the salty things I can't stand. Kelp is basically the same thing. So it's not that pleasant, but I can fight it. It's still gross though.

So if you have an iodine deficiency, ask your doctor about supplements (I didn't, but I have a history of iodine and iron deficiencies in my family). Some doctors will just prescribe thyroid pills, so asking about iodine can keep you from taking pills that might not work. Try the kelp pills first before the thyroid pills.

This site has a list of iodine rich foods.

1 comment:

  1. This was so informative. My two sisters in law are vegetarian as is my neice. I would love to go veg. as a child I hated meat & loved all my veggies. DH is a meat & potatoe kinda guy. I do eat chicken & turkey but, no red meat or pork. I really enjoyed reading your blog, keep up the great job.
