Thursday, January 8, 2009

In the Navy

I read this article today and it got me thinking. I have a short history of military in my family. My aunt and uncle served, my dad served, and my grandpa served. Recently my brother said he was going to move out, but with in a week, 1) the guy he was going to move out with decided to move in with his uncle, 2) he cracked 2 of his teeth, 3) his work only has dental every other year, and 4) he got laid off again and they said this time could be permanent. On the day he got laid off, instead of going to look for a job, he decided to go over to his friend's house and drink. The next day, after actually trying to look for a job, he decided he was going to enlist in the navy. It's a good and bad thing. He used to have the idea he'd join the Marines, but he'd have gotten his ass killed before he got out in the field what-so-ever. I don't think he has the guts or the mental capacity to handle being in the Navy. But at least he'd be making money he won't actually be spending. He'll be able to get schooling. And when he moves out he'll be way better off than he was before. But that has nothing to do with the article.

Over the history of our county, there has been 3 different civil rights battles. First Blacks, then women, and now Gays. Those battles have come a long way, but they are still being fought. Each one has made different accomplishments, and some of the same accomplishments. Blacks and women made it into the military, so it should only be a matter of time before Gays are allowed in. I'm a little torn on that though. On one hand, it's discrimination, and it's deny Gays rights equal to everyone else, but I also see that why it's been so controversial. Some soldiers might not be comfortable around gay men or women, some will get violent. It could even happen the other way around. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for equal civil rights, I'm Bi, but I almost always can see and agree with both sides of an issue, which does cause headaches and me not being able to decide which side I agree with more.

I think I've done enough thinking for today...

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