Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It has been quite a while

I finished beauty school as of June 2012. I got a job in my field and it was going great. Working the spa in the Salon of a retail store. It was nice. Great place to learn and get experience and work with clients. And then our store went in to remodel. My spa room was going to be taken out and replaced with a smaller "pod" geared towards faster services.

During the remodel, my salon manager didn't want me to transfer to another store, so she was having me moved to cosmetics until the salon was rebuilt. The acting manager at the time (the store manager had just barely gotten back from maternity leave) was not happy about that, as I found out. She claimed she kept forgetting to put me on the schedule and tried to demand that I transfer, which was what my salon manager did not want me doing at all.

After working there for almost a year and putting up with her refusals for 3 weeks with combined 15 hours (all thanks to my SM), I put in my resignation. I couldn't wait around to hope that I get on the schedule. So I called my old AM, who was now the Store Manager.

So, I'm back at my old job now, but I'm a supervisor. I get more consistent hours and higher pay. feels like I'm back where I was the last time I posted on here, though. That I don't know where I'm going with my job, but there is good news on other fronts.

Nearly a year ago, two little furballs came to live with us.

The little butts are Aziraphale and Crowley and they fit their names too well for our sanity. We got our little buggers from a ferret shelter near us. They had just gotten in from a pet store because they had been returned and were too old to be sold as babies. We couldn't have asked for a better fit. They are my babies and always will be. I even got their little feets tattooed on my foots. I love them to death.

And speaking of tattoos. I got my first one the August after I graduated. And the second one two months later. So as of now, I'm up to 4 and in the next few weeks, I'll be up to 5. 7 if I get enough cash together after a consult with my artist. From first to last: Dark Mark on my biceps, Sailor Moon silhouette with Bat symbols on my shoulder blade and two sets of paw prints, one on the top of each foot with the respective baby's name. The next one will be a wristlet of the phases of the moon. I drew out a rather simple design that I really love. I maaay have an addiction.

For an unfortunately brief time, while I was at the salon, I had long green mermaid hair. It was the only thing I missed about having long hair. It took a while to get it where I liked it, but it was still very pretty and I miss it every day. But at the fabric store, funky colored hair is not allowed. Which is only a small problem, considering I accidentally dyed part of it blue last night. It's easy to tuck out of the way though and I can part my hair over it for the time being. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it as of yet. Growing it out for sure, but whether or not I shave it remains to be seen. It's easy to hide either way.

And now for the big, big news. I proposed to my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years on Christmas. The ring I gave him was...just perfect. When I saw it, I knew it was right. It's simple, but perfect. Our plans for our future are more solid now. We have a more definite time line and can actually put things in order. His job is set in motion to get him onto a full career and where he wants to be in the gaming industry. He's the perfect match for me in every way. Not saying he's perfect, just perfect for me. It feels like everything is falling into place.

So it's kind of bittersweet. My job life is trash, but my personal life is going fantastically. As it has for the last 3 1/2 years. I couldn't be happier about that.

5 years ago, I couldn't have imagined I'd be where I am today. The fact that I had made it through high school at all was mind boggling. I spent that New Years Eve looking for the perfect time to head off to bed with a bottle of pain killers. It's strange thinking about how far I have come and how much I have changed from the person I was. Looking back on it...I'm not even remotely the same person.

5 years ago, tomorrow, I created this blog because I made it though that night. I created to have something to leave behind when I did kill myself. It's incredibly disconcerting and morbid to think about that. Because this blog became something else. It's just an odd sensation. That person from 5 years ago doesn't exist anymore and I can't even remember ever feeling like that.

While this kind of turned a bit serious at the end, I am in the best place I have ever been. I have a decent job, a wonderful boyfriend and two little spoiled furbabies. All the crap I've been through is so far behind me I can't even see it. So, here's to a better and brighter future and a fantastic New Year!

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